I have physicals available.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011

It's finally here ! The Cd you didn't know you needed until you heard it. Oh you haven't heard it yet? Well then you Defiantly need it!! Official release July 22nd at Phoenix Hill Tavern Louisville Kentucky. Coming soon: The Bandcamp page and other ways to get the disc digitally. Strictly DIY'd by myself and super member of like 20 bands (Actual People, Hippiedigger, KISS, the Beatles...j/k) Richard Herrell and a few other great friends. Like amazing artwork by Louisville Ky tattoo artist Sean McGlone aka S8N. Check him out at Twisted Images.

We've got guests Cj Prof of Actual People, Dynamo & Noah 23 rock on one with me, Lgacci & Goodbar back on a track together! the homie Joseph Webb of Hippiedigger infamy, Meth Wun & E-dash get your hands clapping with some poppin' verses and sultra diviine adds some sultry to the mix indeed. As for the CRASH DDZ parts I keep to themes of struggle in good and evil, vices and responsibilities. Fiction and fact based reflections on scenarios from my own life, friends lives, headlines and my own brain waves imagination.

I hope you are looking forward to this 1/4 as much as I am then you CANNOT wait. :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Alright kiddies. Hold onto to your VW necklaces.. Tight roll them pants at the bottom.. and start the beer spewing as I take you back in time to the night me and my homies went to see the Beastie Boys at the Louisville Gardens.
First off I want to show you this Rolling Stone Archive which includes reference to this very show: *Why does my url not work, ever?
They talk about how they were told not to put the big penis on stage here ha ha..
and how they did anyway...
I remember it like yesterday (I'm not exactly sure of yesterday's date either)
Myself and my good homies Dion Walker and Mike Roland went to see our newest heroes those knuckle headed rap brats Mike D Ad Rock and MCA...
We hung out front row through the loud punk rawk Murphy's Law and the Funk Punk of Fishbone and the Beasties were taking forever to get started.. We couldn't take the heat and went for drinks..
after grabbing drink i entered what may have been my first ever freestyle cypher.. at least of this magnitude.. there were 5 of us rapping like we were the stars that night. Out of nowhere a girl appears grabbing at my jacket crying..
She thinks I'm MCA. We keep insisting I'm not when one of the guys, who I just now noticed were all wearing red jackets and wind breakers, grabbed my arm and started walking me through the crowd yelling "Security ! MCA coming through !"
the gardens parted like the red sea and we ended up right back up front row center.. the lights went out and the real Beastie's emerged... People started yelling at us and even throwing cokes at us but we just laughed and stayed up front and rocked out for the rest of the show. We didn't even get wet ha ha
from the cokes anyway...
I'm pretty sure Mike put a girl on his shoulders only to find she had no underwear on... I remember him saying he wasn't sure if that was cool or not.but he didn't make her get down. :)
Good Times.1987.Good Times.
2nd off here is an audio file you'll probably never hear anywhere else unless they rip it off from me.
the Beasties live @ WLOU just a few hours before the infamous event. (It's click and play or down-loadable too)
the Beasties try to get a little raunchy in the interview but it's all in good fun.. enjoy !
First off I want to show you this Rolling Stone Archive which includes reference to this very show: *Why does my url not work, ever?
They talk about how they were told not to put the big penis on stage here ha ha..
and how they did anyway...
I remember it like yesterday (I'm not exactly sure of yesterday's date either)
Myself and my good homies Dion Walker and Mike Roland went to see our newest heroes those knuckle headed rap brats Mike D Ad Rock and MCA...
We hung out front row through the loud punk rawk Murphy's Law and the Funk Punk of Fishbone and the Beasties were taking forever to get started.. We couldn't take the heat and went for drinks..
after grabbing drink i entered what may have been my first ever freestyle cypher.. at least of this magnitude.. there were 5 of us rapping like we were the stars that night. Out of nowhere a girl appears grabbing at my jacket crying..
She thinks I'm MCA. We keep insisting I'm not when one of the guys, who I just now noticed were all wearing red jackets and wind breakers, grabbed my arm and started walking me through the crowd yelling "Security ! MCA coming through !"
the gardens parted like the red sea and we ended up right back up front row center.. the lights went out and the real Beastie's emerged... People started yelling at us and even throwing cokes at us but we just laughed and stayed up front and rocked out for the rest of the show. We didn't even get wet ha ha
from the cokes anyway...
I'm pretty sure Mike put a girl on his shoulders only to find she had no underwear on... I remember him saying he wasn't sure if that was cool or not.but he didn't make her get down. :)
Good Times.1987.Good Times.
2nd off here is an audio file you'll probably never hear anywhere else unless they rip it off from me.
the Beasties live @ WLOU just a few hours before the infamous event. (It's click and play or down-loadable too)
the Beasties try to get a little raunchy in the interview but it's all in good fun.. enjoy !
Friday, April 22, 2011
While we're not popping the cork just yet.. We are putting the ice in the bucket. The Kill Noise Collective/Grimey Rhyme regime collaboration is very near DONE. There is some Marvel/DC worlds collide fantasticness going on here. Richard Herrll did the production on multiple pieces of equipment. DAW's, Drum machines, Keyboard, Synthesizers, Guitar... the kid brought it. CRASH DDZ (The person's blog you are currently viewing} is the featured MC with a line up of friends on cameo duties. Mr. Goodbar, Leggaci, E-Dash of Xcape Artiz, CJ Prof of Actual People, Noah 23, Dynamic (Max78,)Sultra Devine, Meth Wun & the Kill Noise Killa himself, Joseph Web.
Join us on a journey through the future that is now to The Ends we manifest for ourselves. Ascend with killer robots to an eternity of bliss... and stuff...
The physical is coming with incredible graphics from Twisted Images own Sean McGlone.
CRASH DDZ will be performing track's off the album live on 5-20 at Uncle Pleasant's Lou Ky. CRASH DDZ thinks it's weird to type his name in third person.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Beastie Boys - Make Some Noise
~Spoiler alert~ I go in depth here... Add on.
If there's a full length link pm so I can edit...
If you don't want to know the bugged out ending read no further,...
They come out the apt. Right after fight for your right.. Danny McBride as MCA, Frodo is Ad Rock & Seth Green is Mike D.. They come down the steps and see some famous people..They go out side and trip on acid with more famous people..they walk into a party at a swanky restuarant and grab up the wine bottle and arm wrestle with it until Danny McBride floors everyone and guzzles it...
Shit is amazingly def jam era Beastienes in e.f.f.e.c.t.
Ad-Rock gets stabbed by the chick that has the masking taped nipple scene in Gummo.
Chloe swimblehblahblahblewvince
she's stupid hot.
More famous chicks in the limo.
They meet future Beastie Men Will Ferrel Ad Rock (Should have been MCA) Jack Black should have been Mike D but was MCA. John C Riley was Mike D.. He should have been Ad Rock only because Ferrel should have been MCA... But they play it to a T. I don't know if it's officially 420 but I felt stoned the whole 25 minutes or whatever the beats slow up and speed up to normal throughout.. It's a trip. It's got a funky beat and I can bug out to it.
Anyway they dance battle each other and it's . Like the 2nd def jam record finally leaking amazing...
Then they pee on each other. In the mouth.everybody.peeing.It's funny to read..but to see?
It was perfect... Up until they pee on each other. Beasties shoulda showed up earlier and lip synched their own lyrics for a bit instead of the piss. But up until that part I was grinning ear to ear.. wow factor for days on the cameos alone.
If there's a full length link pm so I can edit...
If you don't want to know the bugged out ending read no further,...
They come out the apt. Right after fight for your right.. Danny McBride as MCA, Frodo is Ad Rock & Seth Green is Mike D.. They come down the steps and see some famous people..They go out side and trip on acid with more famous people..they walk into a party at a swanky restuarant and grab up the wine bottle and arm wrestle with it until Danny McBride floors everyone and guzzles it...
Shit is amazingly def jam era Beastienes in e.f.f.e.c.t.
Ad-Rock gets stabbed by the chick that has the masking taped nipple scene in Gummo.
Chloe swimblehblahblahblewvince
she's stupid hot.
More famous chicks in the limo.
They meet future Beastie Men Will Ferrel Ad Rock (Should have been MCA) Jack Black should have been Mike D but was MCA. John C Riley was Mike D.. He should have been Ad Rock only because Ferrel should have been MCA... But they play it to a T. I don't know if it's officially 420 but I felt stoned the whole 25 minutes or whatever the beats slow up and speed up to normal throughout.. It's a trip. It's got a funky beat and I can bug out to it.
Anyway they dance battle each other and it's . Like the 2nd def jam record finally leaking amazing...
Then they pee on each other. In the mouth.everybody.peeing.It's funny to read..but to see?
It was perfect... Up until they pee on each other. Beasties shoulda showed up earlier and lip synched their own lyrics for a bit instead of the piss. But up until that part I was grinning ear to ear.. wow factor for days on the cameos alone.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
So peep it. 7 months ago I did a track for scanners nine2. I did a preliminary version off the beat segment Dr. Gonzo sent me. I murked the fucking beat so much they didn't know what to do with it. We never got together to record anything else for it. 7 months yo. I'm sayin'. I am on the Coffin Nails track on that piece so go grab it off the Scanners Bandcamp page. This shits dope.
Also for the record the posse cut Coffin Nails features Doh, Nacirema, Mr. Goodbar, Pete Sake, Polio, CRASH DDZ, Baron VonYuckmeir, E-Dash, Meth Wun & CJ Prof This info is not available on the packaging.
Here's the demo version of Vain/Vein by Dr. Gonzo and CRASH DDZ. I released the private button on it. It's been up 7 months. Did I tell you that already? :)
VaiN/VeIN beat for Scanners to feat CRASH DDZ home demo 1 by CRASHDDZ
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Because the world is round...

It turns me on.
I've always wondered if they meant round like a pill? Round like an ass? Maybe round like a record? Because this piece of wax is dead sexy.
This a copy of the first record I remember ever buying that you could consider a "Mash-Up" which is the art form of taking an acapella from one existing song and adding a new back drop. Be it newly and specifically crafted for the recording or by using an existing industry beat. Think Danger Mouse when thinking of one with home made beats. As we all know, Danger, got in big trouble over sampling the Beatles. Big trouble and in the end big time. He's since went on to be part of Gnarles Barkley, Sparkle Horse, the Gorillaz etc. the man is a beast and started as a Masher Upper. Z-trip, Dj Wicked, Dj Wick-It, DJ Trouble are all known for the style.
This record has been labeled as a bootleg and as such there are really no rights to it that I am aware of. What follows are files of what is to be considered as a recording the playing of this record.
Back around 1997 I bought this wax at Ear X-tacy in Louisville, Kentucky. It's one of the coolest places in the 502 despite recently moving to a less cool building. To be fair when I bought it they were in a even less cool place than either spot. So maybe one day with your support they will be in an even doper spot again.. I know I hope so.I understand right now they are like millions of mom and pop shops across America... IF there are still a millions left I mean. Hmm..i wonder.
Anyway, Rip this and go support a record store somewhere. Support an artist and an establishment like the great ole American Record Store. Until then here's an roecrd I bought becaise it had Cerebus and the B-boys in graphiti on the cover.. When I got it home and found it to be a mash up of 2 of the greatest songs the fab four ever written and some tripped out Hip Hop beats.. It instantly became one of my top 10 favorite records of all time.Enjoy these copies of me giving this record a spin.

Kamikaze ONE 85 - the Beetle Juice E.P.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What to expect in the 2K11
Here's what to expect this year: More rips, More Video, More original content and a continuing strive towards excellence.
How's that for a resolution mission statement? We here at the Chop Shop Garage (by we, we mean me myself & I.. get it girl) are determined to bring you a plethora of entertainment. From live concert footage to scanned bits of the past and quantized music expressly squashed to the size that it will easily trickle through your iphone 4 ear buds.
I won't let the theft of my favorite camera of all time the Sony DSC H10, My Laptop, and more stop me from collecting & sharing everything I love from Local Music to Cartoon Girlfriends to Bums drinking on the street. What do the followers and accidental crossers by want to see hear/see? I'm a Record Head and a Hip Hop recording artist first and foremost in my own eyes. Let's go from there... Wu TAAAANG !!!
I was able to see Wu-Tang early in the year.. It rurned out to be a Great set off. I had seen Ghostface in Covington a Few Months back with Sheek Louch and that was a great show..Up front, Hands up.. Then Wu came and gave one of the best live sets I've ever been privy to and I've seen PE, The Beastie's, RUN DMC, Slick Rick LL Cool J, Brother Ali.. I've been to some great ones and this Wu Tang show fit the bill. All members were there except Rza... but we DID get ODB's son as an exchange and he made it at least as good as it would have been with Rza. At least ! :)
More battle rap videos and some footage should be forthcoming once I re-up for a decent camera ? What's good in the hand held handy-cam market ? I need to document.
How's that for a resolution mission statement? We here at the Chop Shop Garage (by we, we mean me myself & I.. get it girl) are determined to bring you a plethora of entertainment. From live concert footage to scanned bits of the past and quantized music expressly squashed to the size that it will easily trickle through your iphone 4 ear buds.
I won't let the theft of my favorite camera of all time the Sony DSC H10, My Laptop, and more stop me from collecting & sharing everything I love from Local Music to Cartoon Girlfriends to Bums drinking on the street. What do the followers and accidental crossers by want to see hear/see? I'm a Record Head and a Hip Hop recording artist first and foremost in my own eyes. Let's go from there... Wu TAAAANG !!!
I was able to see Wu-Tang early in the year.. It rurned out to be a Great set off. I had seen Ghostface in Covington a Few Months back with Sheek Louch and that was a great show..Up front, Hands up.. Then Wu came and gave one of the best live sets I've ever been privy to and I've seen PE, The Beastie's, RUN DMC, Slick Rick LL Cool J, Brother Ali.. I've been to some great ones and this Wu Tang show fit the bill. All members were there except Rza... but we DID get ODB's son as an exchange and he made it at least as good as it would have been with Rza. At least ! :)
More battle rap videos and some footage should be forthcoming once I re-up for a decent camera ? What's good in the hand held handy-cam market ? I need to document.
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