It's finally here ! The Cd you didn't know you needed until you heard it. Oh you haven't heard it yet? Well then you Defiantly need it!! Official release July 22nd at Phoenix Hill Tavern Louisville Kentucky. Coming soon: The Bandcamp page and other ways to get the disc digitally. Strictly DIY'd by myself and super member of like 20 bands (Actual People, Hippiedigger, KISS, the Beatles...j/k) Richard Herrell and a few other great friends. Like amazing artwork by Louisville Ky tattoo artist Sean McGlone aka S8N. Check him out at Twisted Images.

We've got guests Cj Prof of Actual People, Dynamo & Noah 23 rock on one with me, Lgacci & Goodbar back on a track together! the homie Joseph Webb of Hippiedigger infamy, Meth Wun & E-dash get your hands clapping with some poppin' verses and sultra diviine adds some sultry to the mix indeed. As for the CRASH DDZ parts I keep to themes of struggle in good and evil, vices and responsibilities. Fiction and fact based reflections on scenarios from my own life, friends lives, headlines and my own brain waves imagination.

I hope you are looking forward to this 1/4 as much as I am then you CANNOT wait. :)